A novel extractive membrane bioreactor for treating biorefractory organic pollutants in the presence of high concentrations of inorganics: application to a synthetic acidic effluent containing high concentrations of chlorophenol and salt

W Liu, J A Howell, T C Arnot, J A Scott

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

40 Citations (SciVal)


Traditional bioprocesses have difficulty treating biorefractory org. pollutants in wastewater which contains high concns. of inorgs. A novel hybrid process, combining liq.-liq. extn. and a membrane bioreactor was designed to treat such wastewater. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this process, a synthetic wastewater was designed to represent the type of effluent which often results from the specialty org. chems. sector. This model effluent contained high concns. of chlorophenols (CP) (1000 mg/L), salts (15% wt./wt.), and had a pH
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)127-140
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Membrane Science
Issue number1
Early online date8 Jan 2001
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2001


  • membrane sepn. and
  • inorg compd effect biorefractory org removal wastewater
  • extractive membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment
  • novel extractive membrane bioreactor to remove biorefractory org. compds. from wastewater contg. high concns. of inorg. compds. and extreme pH)
  • Salts Role
  • BPR (Biological process)
  • BSU (Biological study
  • biol. treatment with
  • Wastewater treatment (emulsion breaking
  • engineering or chemical process)
  • OCU (Occurrence
  • Bioreactors (extractive membrane
  • biorefractory org compd removal wastewater
  • Wastewater treatment (biol.
  • cross-flow micro-
  • Wastewater treatment (membrane sepn.
  • Economics (novel extractive membrane bioreactor to remove biorefractory org. compds. from wastewater contg. high concns. of inorg. compds. and extreme pH)
  • unclassified)
  • PROC (Process) (biorefractor
  • BIOL (Biological study)
  • OCCU (Occurrence)
  • extn.
  • oil water emulsion breaking wastewater treatment
  • Wastewater treatment (filtration
  • Organic compounds Role
  • POL (Pollutant)
  • OCCU (Occurrence) (wastewater contg.
  • PEP (Physical
  • REM (Removal or disposal)


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