A neutral hydrogen study of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5033

A. H. C. Thean, Carole Mundell, A. Pedlar, R. A. Nicholson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Citations (SciVal)


Neutral hydrogen observations of 22.7 × 18.5 arcsec2 resolution are presented for the Seyfert type 1 galaxy NGC 5033. Our measurements show that the total Hi mass of the galaxy is 7.0 × 109 M and that it is receding at 870 km s-1. The column density map features prominent Hi spiral arms and an asymmetric plume of Hi which extends ∼6 kpc south of the galaxy. We find a well-ordered velocity field and the large-scale kinematical warp in the galactic disc has been modelled. The inner region of the velocity field is well fitted by a flat, inclined disc with inclination 68° and position angle 352°, but due to warping these fall to 64° and 342°, respectively, at large radii. Attention is paid to factors that may be related to Seyfert activity in the nucleus and we find some evidence for a previous tidal encounter but little evidence for a bar, or significant non-circular motions in the central regions. Large concentrations of H I at the galactic centre appear to show no evidence of interaction with the active nucleus.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15-24
Number of pages10
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Sept 1997


  • Atomic processes
  • Galaxies: Individual: NGC 5033
  • Galaxies: Kinematics and dynamics
  • Galaxies: Seyfert
  • Radio lines: Galaxies

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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