A Multicenter Nominal Group Study to Rank Outcomes Important to Patients, and Their Representation in Existing Composite Outcome Measures for Psoriatic Arthritis

William Tillett, Emma Dures, Sarah Hewlett, Philip S Helliwell, Oliver Fitzgerald, Melanie Brooke, Jana James, Jane Lord, Clive Bowen, Martin de Wit, Ana-Maria Orbai, Neil McHugh, PROMPT study group

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OBJECTIVE: To rank outcomes identified as important to patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and examine their representation in existing composite measures.

METHODS: Seven nominal group technique (NGT) meetings took place at 4 hospital sites. Two sorting rounds were conducted to generate a shortlist of outcomes followed by a group discussion and final ranking. In the final ranking round, patients were given 15 points each and asked to rank their top 5 outcomes from the shortlist. The totals were summed across the 7 NGT groups and were presented as a percentage of the maximum possible priority score.

RESULTS: Thirty-one patients took part: 16 men and 15 women; the mean age was 54 years (range 24-77; SD 12.2), the mean disease duration was 10.3 years (range 1-40; SD 9.2), and mean Health Assessment Questionnaire was 1.15 (range 0-2.63; SD 0.7). The highest-ranked outcomes that patients wished to see from treatment were pain with 93 points (20.0%), fatigue 62 (13.3%), physical fitness 33 (7.1%), halting/slowing damage 32 (6.9%), and quality of life/well-being 29 (6.2%). Reviewing existing composite measures for PsA demonstrated that no single measure adequately identifies all these outcomes.

CONCLUSION: Pain and fatigue were ranked as the outcomes most important to patients receiving treatment for PsA and are not well represented within existing composite measures. Future work will focus on validating composite measures modified to identify outcomes important to patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1445-1452
JournalThe Journal of Rheumatology
Issue number10
Early online date1 Aug 2017
Publication statusPublished - 4 Oct 2017


  • Journal Article


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