A Framework for The Integrated Design of Mechatronic Products

Kenway Chen, Jonathan Bankston, Jitesh H. Panchal, Dirk Schaefer

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter or section


Mechatronic systems encompass a wide range of disciplines and hence are collaborative in
nature. Currently, the collaborative development of mechatronic systems is inefficient and
error-prone because contemporary design environments do not allow sufficient flow of design
and manufacturing information across electrical and mechanical domains. Mechatronic
systems need to be designed in an integrated fashion allowing designers from both electrical
and mechanical engineering domains to receive automated feedback regarding design
modifications throughout the design process. Integrated design of mechatronic systems can be
facilitated through the integration of mechanical and electrical computer-aided design (CAD)
systems. One approach to achieve such integration is through the propagation of constraints.
Cross-disciplinary constraints between mechanical and electrical design domains can be
classified, represented, modelled, and bi-directionally propagated in order to provide
automated feedback to designers of both engineering domains. In this chapter, the authors
focus on constraint classification and constraint modelling and provide an example by means
of a robot arm. The constraint modelling approach serves as a preliminary concept for the
implementation of constraint propagation between mechanical and electrical CAD systems.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCollaborative Design and Planning for Digital Manufacturing
EditorsL. Wang, A.Y.C. Nee
ISBN (Print)184822863
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • Design
  • Mechatronic Systems
  • Design Domain Integration
  • E-CAD


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