A comprehensive phenomenological model of the jet mixing process in D.I. diesel engines

M. Wilson, F.J. Wallace

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The paper describes a detailed mathematical analysis of the problem of jet mixing in swirling or transverse flow fields under non-isothermal, non-isodense conditions. The model takes into account potential core effects, cross sectional distortion and differences in profiles between the distributed properties (velocity, concentration, temperature and density). Comparisons with a wide range of experimental results have produced excellent agreement.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1986
EventInternational Off-Highway and Powerplant Congress and Exposition - Milwaukee, WI, USA United States
Duration: 8 Sept 198610 Sept 1986


ConferenceInternational Off-Highway and Powerplant Congress and Exposition
Country/TerritoryUSA United States
CityMilwaukee, WI

Bibliographical note

SAE Technical Paper 861273


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