A comparison of duality and energy a posteriori estimates for L(0, T; L2(Ω)) in parabolic problems

Omar Lakkis, Charalambos Makridakis, Tristan Pryer

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12 Citations (SciVal)


We use the elliptic reconstruction technique in combination with a duality approach to prove a posteriori error estimates for fully discrete backward Euler scheme for linear parabolic equations. As an application, we combine our result with the residual based estimators from the a posteriori estimation for elliptic problems to derive space-error indicators and thus a fully practical version of the estimators bounding the error in the L(0, T; L2(Ω)) norm. These estimators, which are of optimal order, extend those introduced by Eriksson and Johnson in 1991 by taking into account the error induced by the mesh changes and allowing for a more flexible use of the elliptic estimators. For comparison with previous results we derive also an energy-based a posteriori estimate for the L(0, T; L2(Ω))-error which simplifies a previous one given by Lakkis and Makridakis in 2006. We then compare both estimators (duality vs. energy) in practical situations and draw conclusions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1537-1569
Number of pages33
JournalMathematics of Computation
Issue number294
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2014 by the authors.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics


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