A comparison of a pedometer-based walking program versus physiotherapy for patients suffering from nociceptive or neuropathic chronic, recurrent low back pain in Johannesburg

Richard Feher, Antonia Wadley, Nicola Coghill

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


This study aims to investigate whether a walking program will aid standard physiotherapy treatment in patients diagnosed with chronic, recurrent lower back pain (CLBP). Pharmaceutical investigations match diagnosis specific treatments to pain phenotypes, however physiotherapy is less discerning [1]. Exercise prescription, walking, massage and manipulation are established physiotherapy treatments for homogenous CLBP [2-3]. This study will compare usual care physiotherapy and walking for the treatment of different CLBP phenotypes. The primary outcome measures will be pain and function. The Biopsychosocial components of fear avoidance and catastrophic thinking are salient underpinnings to CLBP and this study [4].
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 May 2017
Event2017 PainSA Conference - Century City Conference Center, Cape Town, South Africa
Duration: 12 May 201714 May 2017


Conference2017 PainSA Conference
Country/TerritorySouth Africa
CityCape Town


  • Low back pain
  • Pain
  • waking
  • Physiotherapy


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