The Cultural Framing of Environmental Discourse

Project: Research council

Project Details


The bid is for a multidisciplinary network to examine the cultural framing of environmental discourse. The Humanities have an important contribution to make to addressing the challenges of climate change and the loss of biodiversity, through examining perceptions and understandings of the natural world and their communication in language and visual images. Research on environmental discourse has so far tended to neglect issues of personal motivation, and the role played by cultural tradition, rhetorical strategies, and conceptions of local belonging in generating a sense of responsibility for the environment. Literary, filmic and artistic discourse on the environment play an important role in mediating between knowledge of environmental problems and threats and actual choices in everyday life. Interdisciplinary research in this area and into the potential of literature, the visual arts and museums to contribute to environmental literacy has an important contribution to make to both mitigating and accommodating to environmental changes. The project will build on perspectives recently developed by Heise and others in seeking to bring literary critics into significant dialogue with representatives of social science disciplines researching environmental communication and with practitioners in science and social policy. Three workshops will be held, and the findings will be published on a dedicated website.
Effective start/end date1/08/1031/01/12


  • Arts and Humanities Research Council


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