Prototypical iterations in the built environment

  • Orr, John (PI)
  • Kripakaran, Prakash (PI)
  • Mihai, Iulia (CoI)
  • Sebastian, Wendel (CoI)

Project: Research-related funding

Project Details


GW4 Accelerator Project - £62,184

By 2050 all new structures will be prototypical iterations; harnessing big data to be self-resilient while minimising whole life environmental, economic, and social costs

This community has the long-term vision to change the way that all structures are designed and operated within the built environment. This is crucial if we are to achieve global sustainability in the face of a growing population and increasing urbanisation.

This collaboration will address the following GW4 identified grand challenge areas:
• Health, demographic change and wellbeing;
• Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials;
• Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies;
• Advanced Materials
StatusNot started


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