MSCA RISE - DisTerrMem - Memory Across Borders: Dealing with the Legacy of Disputed Territories

Project: EU Commission

Project Details


Territorial disputes are major causes of international conflict. To understand the reasons for this, researchers are studying how the past is collectively remembered and understood. An important aspect is the perspectives and identities of the actual communities and individuals involved. In this context, the EU-funded DisTerrMem project will bring together researchers and non-academic partners to develop an innovative transnational, interdisciplinary and multi-level approach. They will shed light on the pressing problem of managing competing memories of disputed territories across borders. Working across three regions (Europe, South Asia and South Caucasus), the project will explore the management of competing memories in non-conflictual ways. It will identify examples of good practice.
Effective start/end date1/02/1931/01/24


  • EU - Horizon 2020

RCUK Research Areas

  • Political Science


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