Marie Curie IEF for Piotr Milos - Branching & Fragmentation Processes

  • Harris, Simon (PI)

Project: EU Commission

Project Details


This proposal aims to establish Dr. Piotr Miłoś as an active and independent researcher in the field of stochastic spatial models and more precisely branching and fragmentation processes. He is to master new techniques and skills which will allow him to further develop an independent career. The Fellowship will lead to publications in leading probability journals and long-term collaboration with the probability community in the United Kingdom. This will result in mutual benefits for both the Polish and British scientific societies.
Piotr Miłoś will join the Probability Laboratory at Bath, a leading probability group in the United Kingdom. He will primarily work with Dr. Simon Harris solving problems in areas of branching and fragmentation processes. He also hopes to benefit from collaboration with Dr. A. Kyprianou, a leading expert in Levy and fragmentation processes, and Dr. P. Morters, a leading expert in the field of stochastic models.
The rest of this proposal summarises the scientific problems Piotr Miłoś will investigate at Bath. The knowledge and experience acquired will provide him with new opportunities to contribute to the field. This will enable him to continue an active scientific career after the Fellowship is completed.
Effective start/end date5/03/124/03/13


  • European Commission


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