Marie Curie Fellowship - New Switchable Organometallic Oligomers and Polymers

Project: EU Commission

Project Details


Silicon-based microelectronics will soon reach their limit of miniaturization when feature lengths shrink below 70 nm. The next generation of electronic devices require materials that remain functional on a nanometre scale. Molecule-based integrated circuits will operate on a scale several orders of magnitude smaller than silicon-based electronics allow. The search for molecular components suitable for such applications is one of the fundamental tasks of modern science. We will develop a new class of hybrid polymer materials that will provide key components for molecular-based electronics. These new materials contain both early and late transition metal centres linked by modulating organic groups so that electrons can flow along the polymer chains. By altering the metal oxidation state or conformation of the organic groups it will be possible to switch “on” or “off” the electron flow and the materials will act as “molecular switches”. The switch will be activated by chemical means or by light irradiation or applying pressure. These new design features make these materials much more versatile than existing molecular components and would put European research at the forefront. The project involves the development of novel synthetic strategies for the new materials and the investigation of their electronic properties using cutting-edge time-resolved spectroscopic and diffraction techniques that will provide unique information on the structures of short-lived species. The project is multidisciplinary including aspects of chemistry, physics and materials science. Apart from the research objectives, this proposal will help the applicant to reach a position of professional maturity by gaining experience of organometallic polymers and in pioneering time resolved crystallographic techniques. The applicant will also develop her experience in teaching, oral and written communication and networking by interaction with leading mentors at a top rank institution.
Effective start/end date1/03/1028/02/12


  • European Commission


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  • Data for "A rapidly-reversible absorptive and emissive vapochromic Pt(II) pincer-based chemical sensor"

    Skelton, J. (Creator), Bryant, M. (Data Collector), Hatcher, L. (Project Member), Stubbs, C. (Project Member), Madrid, E. (Project Member), R. Pallipurath, A. (Project Member), Thomas, L. (Project Member), Woodall, C. (Project Member), Christensen, J. (Project Member), Fuertes, S. (Project Member), Robinson, T. (Project Member), Beavers, C. (Project Member), Teat, S. J. (Project Member), Warren, M. (Project Member), Pradaux-Caggiano, F. (Project Member), Walsh, A. (Project Member), Marken, F. (Project Member), Carbery, D. (Project Member), Parker, S. (Project Member), Mckeown, N. B. (Project Member), Malpass-Evans, R. (Project Member), Carta, M. (Project Member) & Raithby, P. (Project Leader), University of Bath, 27 Nov 2017
