Just Transitions in Biodiversity Governance

Project: UK charity

Project Details


This project explores just transitions in biodiversity governance. While climate change, biodiversity, environmental and social justice are increasingly understood as interconnected, there is less explicit attention to the just transition concept within biodiversity protection. Given the term’s growing prominence in local, regional, and national climate action, this is a notable gap. By analysing three sites with established approaches to just transition – whether or not conceptualised in those terms - Bristol in the UK, Yubari in Japan and Cape Town in South Africa - this research aims to understand the effects for both scholarly theory and policy/practice of (1) governing biodiversity conservation and restoration through a just transitions lens; (2) considering how biodiversity governance in a locality may yield deeper insight into competing or contested visions of what a just transition is; and (3) helping to co-create pathways to achieve biodiversity and climate objectives in a just and equitable manner.
Effective start/end date1/07/2130/06/22

Collaborative partners

  • University of Bath (lead)
  • University of Bristol
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of the West of England
  • Future Earth
  • Stellenbosch University

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


  • Just transition
  • Climate change
  • biodiversity
  • urban ecology
  • climate justice


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