EUMAS08 - Sixth European Multi-Agent Systems Meeting

Project: Research council

Project Details


This is a proposal for EPSRC support for the the Sixth European Multi-Agent Systems Meeting (EUMAS08), to be held on 18 and 19 December 2008, at the University of Bath.After the first EUMAS meeting in Oxford in 2003, and following events in Barcelona (2004), Brussels (2005), Lisbon (2006) and Hammamet (2007), the meeting has come back to the UK, one of the leading countries in the agent community. The decision to site the meeting in Bath is the result of an annual tendering process and thus may be seen as recognition of the UK's place in international agent research.EUMAS is probably the largest agents meeting held annually in Europe. It also has a distinctive profile through being held in the winter, away from the other main conferences, and by its particular emphasis not only on novel work, but also its encouragement of research student submission/presentation, and the explicit invitation of already-published work for re-presentation in a broad European forum.The proposal requests support for five aspects of the EUMAS08 meeting:(i) invited speakers costs(ii) subsistence bursaries for EPSRC-funded students(iii) local organization time and costs,(iv) support staff time, and(v) venue hire.

Layman's description

A scientific meeting with presentation of peer-reviewed papers and invited speakers.

Key findings

Not applicable
Effective start/end date1/09/0828/02/09


  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


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