Education, Well Being and the Emergent Economies of Brazil, Russia and South Africa

Project: Research council

Project Details


This Network will focus on the reciprocal relationships between economic growth, education and well being with specific reference to security, in Brazil, Russia and South Africa. Visiting Fellows (VF) from which each country will facilitate the organisation and management of a seminar Speakers from economics, education, human security, social policy and psychology will be invited on the basis of their capacity to respond to the project key questions. All team members will provide a commentary from the perspective of their own economies and systems of education. Participants will be chosen on the basis of their capacity to address some or all of the following questions: What changes are envisaged in educational provision and its objects in both the rising powers and elsewhere in order to ensure economic sustainability of rapid growth? How will the lives of children be transformed and be made more or less secure as these changes are invoked? What will be the challenges for Africa as a result of new development roles being taken by the Rising Powers with regard to education? How are the relationships between economic growth, education and well-being in general and more specifically security understood in each state?
Effective start/end date12/05/1011/11/11


  • Economic and Social Research Council


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