C-THRU: Carbon clarity in the global petrochemical supply chain

Project: Other

Project Details


C-THRU is a 3-year, US$4m, international research project which aims to deliver foresight on the future interventions and innovation opportunities in the petrochemical sector required to minimise greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This will be achieved by delivering the world’s most comprehensive, reliable and transparent account of current and future emissions for the global petrochemical sector. This account and the underlying modelling methods, tools and data will support strategic policy and business decision-making to promote the sustainability of the petrochemical sector, making it compatible with climate change mitigation goals.
Effective start/end date1/10/2031/03/24

Collaborative partners

  • University of Bath
  • University of Cambridge (lead)
  • University of California Santa Barbara
  • University of Texas
  • HancockHamlin Ltd


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