Project Details


Combining software services is difficult. ALIVE applies techniques from organization theory to software-based services, to make those services easy to assemble and use in complex scenarios.
Software-based services can help solving a large variety of problems, but combining them in non-trivial cases is a real challenge. What is needed is the capability to organize services to work together in the best possible way and adapt to changes, just like a good football manager organizes individual players to create a winning premier league team, and uses the appropriate tactical models so that every player knows his role on the field and how to reorganise according to the opponents' way of playing. This is what ALIVE is about: applying techniques used in organization theory to software-based services, to make those services easy to combine and use in complex scenarios.

There is a new emerging trend of networked applications (based on the notion of software services) that can be dynamically deployed, adjusted and composed, creating radically new types of distributed software systems in the Future Internet. In turn, this will require profound changes in the way in which software systems are designed, deployed and managed – exchanging existing, primarily top-down “design in isolation” engineering, to new approaches which are based on integrating new functionalities and behaviours into existing running systems of already active, distributed and interdependent processes.
The ALIVE project is based around the central idea that many of the strategies used today to organise the vastly complex interdependencies found in human social, and economic behaviour will be essential to structuring future service based software systems. More specifically the project aims to combine cutting edge Coordination and Organisation mechanisms (providing flexible, high-level means to model the structure of interactions between services in the environment) and Model Driven Design (providing for automated transformations from models into multiple target platforms) to create a framework for software and services engineering for “live” open systems of active services.

The project
1) develops an advanced framework for application development, deployment and management in service environments,
2) develops new engineering techniques and tools
3) develops a methodology for dynamic, "live" service design and maintenance, and
4) layers the framework directly on emerging architectures and toolkits for service oriented and web services systems.

Results will be delivered in an open content and open source manner in order to foster take-up, reuse and to support ongoing research in the domain. The project also includes three challenging case studies from the domains of information services for citizens, mobile device applications and crisis management.

The ALIVE technology promotes reliability and stability for service-oriented applications: by modelling multiple levels of a system, it enables designers to keep stable elements separate from dynamic aspects of the application. It also provides a sound paradigm for the deployment of flexible service-based applications across multiple organizations that goes further than current orchestration techniques. Furthermore, the ALIVE tools help designers to structure service-based systems in such as way that they are easier to understand for non-technical individuals – paving the way for broader involvement in software and service design.
Effective start/end date1/01/0831/10/10


  • European Commission


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