Adaptavate / Breathaboard - high performance, environmentally sustainable, gypsum plasterboard alternative

Project: Central government, health and local authorities

Project Details


"Adaptavate Limited is seeking to disrupt conventional building materials within the construction industry, through the development of a world-first gypsum plasterboard alternative created from agricultural crop waste, **Breathaboard**. Breathaboard responds to a number of challenges associated with traditional manufacture and utilisation of gypsum plasterboard, including performance limitations, dwindling gypsum supplies/rising raw material prices and environmental damage from production & disposal. This project explores cutting edge production methods, combined with waste valorisation analysis to enhance Breathaboard's performance and environmental capabilities into an optimised, commercially viable, circular economy product, ready for mass production and adoption across the UK, Europe and worldwide."
Effective start/end date1/06/2030/11/21

Collaborative partners


  • Innovate UK


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