Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
- Dr Heidarzadeh organized an international seminar on the analyusis of the January 2024 Nono tsunami (Japan). For the presentation files and the video recording of the seminar, see here:
- For updates on the 2nd April 2024 Taiwan earthquake and tsunami, see Dr Heidarzadeh's interviews with CNN at the bottom of this page.
- For updates on the Jan. 2024 Japan earthquake and tsunami, see Dr Heidarzadeh's interviews with CNN and Sky News at the bottom of this page.
- Dr Heidarzadeh's taem (CERLAB) has secrured £192,000 from EURO Horizon programme for research on port resilience to tsunamis. Project code: EP/Z001080/1
- Dr Heidarzadeh leads a special issue of Elsevier's leading journal "Ocean Engineering" on "Analysis of 2024 Noto and other recent large tsunamis and their impacts" (submission open until 15th March 2025). For submission, choose "The 2024 Noto tsunami" as article type while submitting to "Ocean Engineering":
Dr Heidarzadeh leads the Coastal Engineering and Resilience LAB (CERLAB), devoted to cutting-edge research on infrastructure resilience to extreme natural hazards (tsunami, earthquake, storm, hurricane, landslide), their cascading hazards and risks, and training of next generation of Coastal and Hydraulic engineers. Having published 105 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters as well as more than 100 conference publications, Dr Heidarzadeh and his team have made significant contribution to researches on the resilience of infrastructure systems to tsunamis, storms, earthquakes, landslides, and flooding. See the full list of his peer-reviewed journal articles here (click here). For more information abour CERLAB, ongoing projects, team members and other updates see here.
Dr Mohammad Heidarzadeh is an international figure on tsunamis and earthquakes and was elected as the Secretary General of the Joint Tsunami Commission (JTC) of IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) in July 2019 during the IUGG general assembly in Montreal, Canada. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer (CEng), a member of the UK Institution of Civil Engineers (MICE), a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager (C.WEM), and a member of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (MCIWEM).
Dr Heidarzadeh is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) of Civil Engineering, specializing in Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering.
Dr Heidarzadeh is missioned at the resilience of infrastructure to multi-hazards such as tsunamis, storms, earthquakes, landslides and flooding and associated cascading risks. His research activities cover areas from fundamental mechanics and dynamics of natural hazards to developing resilient infrastructure systems. See the full list of Dr Heidarzadeh's publications here:
Dr Heidarzadeh is an active expert on Global-Challenge Researches on extreme geo-environmental hazards worldwide and is the PI (Principal Investigator) of the GCRF (Global Challenge Research Fund) project with Indonesia on earthquakes and tsunamis, a Co-I of another GCRF project with India on tsunamis, a Co-I of a project with Dominica (Caribbean Sea) on storms, and a Co-I of a project on Indonesia future tsunami risks.
Some of his research topics are:
- Instrumentation and monitoring of infrastructure systems
- Infrastructure resilience to multi-hazards and cascading risks
- Remote sensing for critical infrastructure resilience
- Global tsunami/earthquake hazards and risks to critical infrastructure
- Physical and numerical modeling of landslide tsunamis
- Meteo-tsunamis in the UK and associated risks to infrastructure
- Mechanics of landslide-generated waves
- Hydraulics of landslide-generated waves in dam reservoirs
Research projects and grants:
PI: EURO Horizon project on port resilience to tsunamis, project "PINN-PORT".
PI: GCRF project "Building earthquake and tsunami resilience in Indonesia". Funder: Royal Society UK. Time: 2019-2023. (link:
Co-I: Lloyds' project "Future Indonesian Tsunamis: Towards End-to-end Risk quantification (FITTER)". Funder: Lloyds, UK. Time: 2019-2022. (link:
Co-I: NERC project "Hurricane Maria and Dominica: geomorphological change and infrastructure damage surveys". Funder: NERC UK. Time: 2018-2019. (link:
Co-I: GCRF NERC project "Tsunami risk for the Western Indian Ocean: steps toward the integration of science into policy and practice". Funder: NERC UK. Time: 2017-2018.
PI: BRIM project "Understanding the contribution of cascading effects during storms to the vulnerability of UK coastal transport infrastructures". Funder: BRIM/EPSRC UK. Time: 2018.
PI: JSPS project "A comprehensive analysis of the twin Indonesian tsunamis in September and December 2018". Funder: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Time: 2019.
PI: GBSF project "Interaction of earthquake and typhoon hazards: intensification of the damage from September 2018 Hokkaido earthquake due to the heavy rainfall from Typhoon Jebi". Funder: Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation (GBSF). Time: 2019.
Co-I: M2D project "Potential large tsunami hazards associated with landslide failure along the West coast of India: from uncertainties to planning decisions". Funder: Models to Decisions (M2D), NERC/EPSRC/ESRC. Time: 2018.
Willing to supervise doctoral students
Dr Heidarzadeh has an outstanding PhD supervision records as his past and current PhD stusdents have published several articles out of their PhD works in top-class international journals. This is due to Dr Heidarzadeh's dedication and hard works to ensure that his PhD students receive approperiate attention, support and education during their PhD courses. Examples of publications by past PhD students are:
- (International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction)
- (Natural Hazards)
- (Geophysical Research Letters)
- (Geoscience Letters)
- (Journal of Geophysical Research)
- (Coastal Engineering Journal)
- (Landslides)
- (Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering)
- (Natural Hazards)
- (Ocean engineering)
Dr Heidarzadeh has supervised several PhD students in the past and is willing to supervise new PhD students on the following topics:
- Infrastructure resilience to multi-hazards and cascading risks
- Remote sensing for infrastructure resilience
- Physical and numerical modeling of landslide tsunamis
- Instrumentation for monitoring of critical infrastructure
- Global tsunami/earthquake hazards and risks to critical infrastructure
- Meteo-tsunamis in the UK and associated risks to infrastructure
- Mechanics of landslide-generated waves
- Hydraulics of landslide-generated waves in dam reservoirs
- Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
If you are interested to do a PhD with Dr Heidarzadeh, get in touch.
Other responsibilities
- Secretary General, International Tsunami Committee, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (
- Grant Panel member, The Royal Society (UK) (
- Editor, Results in Engineering (
- Editor, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (
- Editor, Sustainable Marine Structures (
- Guest Editor, Natural Hazards and Earth Science Systems (
- Guest Editor, Environmental Earth Science (
- Guest Editor, Coastal Engineering Journal (
- Review Editor, Frontiers in Earth Science, Geohazards and Georisks (
Teaching interests
Dr Heidarzadeh is an outstanding engineering lecturer through his unique teaching philosophy which combines theory and practice. His engineering lectures are well supported by his tremendous engineering practical experiences and hands-on practical sessions. Dr Heidarzadeh has achieved the highest teaching qualifications in the United Kingdom and is a Fellow of the UK’s Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
In addition to his formal teaching activities at the university, Dr Heidarzadeh is an active public educator and frequently appears on world's Radios and TV stations to contribute to international natural hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, landslides and infrastructure resilience to such hazards. Some of the photos below show him while live commenting on TVs. The links to a few of his public TV and radio interviews are listed below:
Live TV interview on CNN on Taiwan earthquake & tsunami (April 2024):
Live TV interview on CNN on Japan earthquake & tsunami (January 2024):
Live TV interview on CNN on Japan earthquake & tsunami (January 2024):
Live TV interview on CNN on Japan earthquake & tsunami (January 2024):
Live TV interview on Sky-News on Japan earthquake & tsunami (January 2024):
Live TV interview on GB-News on Japan earthquake & tsunami (January 2024):
Video not availble at this time.
Live TV interview on GB-News on Japan earthquake & tsunami (January 2024):
Video not availble at this time.
Live TV interview on Sky-News (Sep 2021):
Live TV interview on Sky-News (Feb 2020):
Live TV interview on Sky-News (December 2019):
Live TV interview on Canadian TV (December 2019):
Live TV interview on BBC (October 2019):
Live TV interview on Sky-News (August 2019):
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Civil Engineering (post-doctorate), Post-Doctorate , University of Tokyo
1 Apr 2011 → 31 Mar 2016
Award Date: 31 Mar 2016
Civil Engineering (Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering), Doctor of Engineering, Numerical modelling of tsunamis and tsunami hazard and risk assessment on infrastructure, University of Tehran
1 Sept 2004 → 1 Jun 2009
Award Date: 1 Jun 2009
Civil Engineering (Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering), Master of Engineering, Water sealing of the foundation of embankment dams using grouting techniques, University of Tehran
1 Sept 2002 → 1 Sept 2004
Award Date: 1 Sept 2004
Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
1 Sept 1998 → 1 Sept 2002
Award Date: 1 Sept 2002
External positions
Member of Grant Committee, The Royal Society
1 Jan 2023 → 31 Dec 2025
Secretary General of the International Tsunami Commission (, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
15 Jul 2019 → …
- Infrastructure monitoring
- Civil Engineering
- Hydraulics
- Storm surge
- Landslide
- Earthquake
- Tsunami
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Climate Resilience
- Cascading Risks
- Sustainable Design
- Coastal Engineering
- Sustainable Development
- Coastal protection
- Flood resilience
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
UKRI Postdoc Guarantee - An Automated Physics-Informed Neural Network model for tsunami risks in ports: application to Indonesia
Heidarzadeh, M. (PI)
1/03/25 → 28/02/27
Project: EU Commission
Future Indonesian Tsunamis: Towards End-to-end Risk quantification (FITTER)
Heidarzadeh, M. (PI) & Hayward, M. (Researcher)
Lloyd’s Tercentenary Research Foundation
1/07/22 → 30/11/22
Project: UK charity
Research output
Coastal Storm Risk Reduction Using Steel Mesh Revetments: Field Application and Preliminary Physical Experiments
Heidarzadeh, M., Sheibani, M. & Luis-Fonseca, R., 19 Dec 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Pure and Applied Geophysics.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Compounding impacts of the earthquake and submarine landslide on the Toyama Bay tsunami during the January 2024 Noto Peninsula event
Mulia, I. E., Heidarzadeh, M., Gusman, A. R., Satake, K., Fujii, Y., Sujatmiko, K. A., Meilano, I. & Windupranata, W., 15 Oct 2024, In: Ocean Engineering. 310, Part 1, 118698.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
5 Citations (SciVal) -
Effects of Artificial Structures on Grain Size and Characteristics of the 2018 Anak Krakatau Tsunami Deposits
Nugroho, S. H., Putra, P. S., Amar & Heidarzadeh, M., 31 Oct 2024, In: Pure and Applied Geophysics. 181, 10, p. 2991-3003 13 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Estimating maximum initial wave amplitude of subaerial landslide tsunamis: a three-dimensional modelling approach
Sabeti, R. & Heidarzadeh, M., 30 Jun 2024, In: Ocean Modelling. 189, 36 p., 102360.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access4 Citations (SciVal) -
Field surveys of tsunami runup and damage following the January 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto (Japan sea) tsunamigenic earthquake
Heidarzadeh, M., Ishibe, T., Gusman, A. R. & Miyazaki, H., 1 Sept 2024, In: Ocean Engineering. 307, 25 p., 118140.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access12 Citations (SciVal)