Personal profile

Research interests

I am an experienced developmental geneticist and molecular biologist aiming to discover mechanisms explaining the developmental origins of health and disease, using the mouse as a model. Through more than twenty years working in Professor Andrew Ward’s group my particular interest has come to lie in how genes that are regulated by genomic imprinting function in mother and offspring during prenatal and early postnatal life to influence body composition (i.e. fat and lean proportions) and metabolic health in later life. I have focused on the gene Grb10 (Growth Factor Receptor Bound Protein 10) because of its importance in fetal growth, lean mass accrual and insulin signalling and its link with nutrient sensing via regulation of and by MTOR.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


  • developmental biology
  • genomic imprinting
  • genetics
  • epigenetics
  • metabolism
  • physiology
  • cancer
  • aging


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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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  • Grb7, Grb10 and Grb14, encoding the growth factor receptor-bound 7 family of signalling adaptor proteins have overlapping functions in the regulation of fetal growth and post-natal glucose metabolism

    Moorwood, K., Smith, F. M., Garfield, A. S., Cowley, M., Holt, L. J., Daly, R. J. & Ward, A., 30 Sept 2024, In: BMC Biology. 22, 1, 221.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Downloads (Pure)
  • Open Access
    1 Citation (SciVal)
    42 Downloads (Pure)
  • Detailed analysis of paternal knockout Grb10 mice suggests effects on stability of social behavior, rather than social dominance

    Rienecker, K. D. A., Chavasse, A. T., Moorwood, K., Ward, A. & Isles, A. R., 1 Jan 2020, In: Genes, Brain and Behavior. 19, 1, e12571.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    12 Citations (SciVal)
    83 Downloads (Pure)
  • Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: the challenge ahead

    Goodson, W. H., Lowe, L., Carpenter, D. O., Gilbertson, M., Manaf Ali, A., Lopez de Cerain Salsamendi, A., Lasfar, A., Carnero, A., Azqueta, A., Amedei, A., Charles, A. K., Collins, A. R., Ward, A., Salzberg, A. C., Colacci, A., Olsen, A.-K., Berg, A., Barclay, B. J., Zhou, B. P. & Blanco-Aparicio, C. & 153 others, Baglole, C. J., Dong, C., Mondello, C., Hsu, C.-W., Naus, C. C., Yedjou, C., Curran, C. S., Laird, D. W., Koch, D. C., Carlin, D. J., Felsher, D. W., Roy, D., Brown, D. G., Ratovitski, E., Ryan, E. P., Corsini, E., Rojas, E., Moon, E.-Y., Laconi, E., Marongiu, F., Al-Mulla, F., Chiaradonna, F., Darroudi, F., Martin, F. L., Van Schooten, F. J., Goldberg, G. S., Wagemaker, G., Nangami, G. N., Calaf, G. M., Williams, G., Wolf, G. T., Koppen, G., Brunborg, G., Lyerly, H. K., Krishnan, H., Ab Hamid, H., Yasaei, H., Sone, H., Kondoh, H., Salem, H. K., Hsu, H.-Y., Park, H. H., Koturbash, I., Miousse, I. R., Scovassi, A. I., Klaunig, J. E., Vondráček, J., Raju, J., Roman, J., Wise, J. P., Whitfield, J. R., Woodrick, J., Christopher, J. A., Ochieng, J., Martinez-Leal, J. F., Weisz, J., Kravchenko, J., Sun, J., Prudhomme, K. R., Narayanan, K. B., Cohen-Solal, K. A., Moorwood, K., Gonzalez, L., Soucek, L., Jian, L., D'Abronzo, L. S., Lin, L.-T., Li, L., Gulliver, L., McCawley, L. J., Memeo, L., Vermeulen, L., Leyns, L., Zhang, L., Valverde, M., Khatami, M., Romano, M. F., Chapellier, M., Williams, M. A., Wade, M., Manjili, M. H., Lleonart, M. E., Xia, M., Gonzalez, M. J., Karamouzis, M. V., Kirsch-Volders, M., Vaccari, M., Kuemmerle, N. B., Singh, N., Cruickshanks, N., Kleinstreuer, N., van Larebeke, N., Ahmed, N., Ogunkua, O., Krishnakumar, P. K., Vadgama, P., Marignani, P. A., Ghosh, P. M., Ostrosky-Wegman, P., Thompson, P. A., Dent, P., Heneberg, P., Darbre, P., Sing Leung, P., Nangia-Makker, P., Cheng, Q. S., Robey, R. B., Al-Temaimi, R., Roy, R., Andrade-Vieira, R., Sinha, R. K., Mehta, R., Vento, R., Di Fiore, R., Ponce-Cusi, R., Dornetshuber-Fleiss, R., Nahta, R., Castellino, R. C., Palorini, R., Abd Hamid, R., Langie, S. A. S., Eltom, S. E., Brooks, S. A., Ryeom, S., Wise, S. S., Bay, S. N., Harris, S. A., Papagerakis, S., Romano, S., Pavanello, S., Eriksson, S., Forte, S., Casey, S. C., Luanpitpong, S., Lee, T.-J., Otsuki, T., Chen, T., Massfelder, T., Sanderson, T., Guarnieri, T., Hultman, T., Dormoy, V., Odero-Marah, V., Sabbisetti, V., Maguer-Satta, V., Rathmell, W. K., Engström, W., Decker, W. K., Bisson, W. H., Rojanasakul, Y., Luqmani, Y., Chen, Z. & Hu, Z., Jun 2015, In: Carcinogenesis. 36 Suppl 1, p. S254-S296

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    258 Citations (SciVal)
  • The potential for chemical mixtures from the environment to enable the cancer hallmark of sustained proliferative signalling

    Engström, W., Darbre, P., Eriksson, S., Gulliver, L., Hultman, T., Karamouzis, M. V., Klaunig, J. E., Mehta, R., Moorwood, K., Sanderson, T., Sone, H., Vadgama, P., Wagemaker, G., Ward, A., Singh, N., Al-Mulla, F., Al-Temaimi, R., Amedei, A., Colacci, A. M. & Vaccari, M. & 12 others, Mondello, C., Scovassi, A. I., Raju, J., Hamid, R. A., Memeo, L., Forte, S., Roy, R., Woodrick, J., Salem, H. K., Ryan, E. P., Brown, D. G. & Bisson, W. H., Jun 2015, In: Carcinogenesis. 36 , Suppl 1, p. S38-S60

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    38 Citations (SciVal)