6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Ebtehal Basiouny Ahmed Metwaly Gelwan with the persons below:
Laura Smyth
- Management - Research Assistant, Postgraduate Research Student
- Institute for Policy Research (IPR)
Person: Postgraduate Research Student, Core staff, Researcher, Doctor of Philosophy
Mohamed Elbashir Mohamed
- Department of Social & Policy Sciences - Postgraduate Research Student
- Institute for Policy Research (IPR)
Person: Postgraduate Research Student, Doctor of Policy Research and Practice
Charles Larkin
- Institute for Policy Research (IPR) - Director of Research (Senior Lecturer)
- Made Smarter Innovation: Centre for People-Led Digitalisation
- Bath Institute for the Augmented Human
- IAAPS: Propulsion and Mobility
Person: Research & Teaching, Core staff, Affiliate staff
Abdurahman Sharif
- Department of Social & Policy Sciences - Postgraduate Research Student
- Institute for Policy Research (IPR)
Person: Postgraduate Research Student, Doctor of Policy Research and Practice
Joe Goodier
- Department of Computer Science - Postgraduate Research Student
- UKRI CDT in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AI
- Institute for Policy Research (IPR)
Person: Postgraduate Research Student, Doctor of Philosophy