Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
David Coley is Professor of Low Carbon Design and head of the Energy and the Design of Environments research centre. His research focuses on minimising the energy use of buildings through a process of physical design and an understanding of occupant behaviour. He is also interested in citywide energy modelling.
David Coley received a BSc in Physics in 1985 and a PhD in theoretical nuclear physics in 1989 (both from Surrey University). During this time he also worked briefly for the UK Atomic Energy Authority. He joined the Centre for Energy and the Environment at Exeter University in 1998, where he worked until joining Bath as Professor of Low Carbon Design in 2011. Whilst at Exeter, his main interests were in low energy design (including Passivhaus), renewables, estimating the impact of climate change on the built environment and evolutionary computation. He was also a founding member of a London based hedge fund.
David's main research interests are finding out why buildings use energy, how little they could use and where this energy might come from. In essence, this means teasing out whether the issue for the mass production of low carbon buildings is the building or the occupant.
He is a committee member of various national bodies on the built environment and on the editorial board of three journals.
Recent EPSRC projects include the production of future weather files to 2080 (PROMETHEUS) and advanced smart metering (ENLITEN), and the post occupancy elevation of buildings for TSB.
Alongside academic papers and reports for Government, David has written books on energy and climate change, genetic algorithms and rock climbing.
Willing to supervise doctoral students
Interested in supervising students studying:
- Energy use in buildings
- Passivhaus
- Low energy/carbon design
- Climate change
- Post occupancy evaluation of buildings
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Retrofit vs Technologies
Coley, D. (PI)
Tees Valley Combined Authority
16/09/24 → 15/09/25
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Impact acceleration account - Zero Energy Buildings Reduced Algorithm (ZEBRA)
Coley, D. (PI), Albadra, D. (CoI) & Natarajan, S. (CoI)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/11/22 → 31/10/24
Project: Research council
File -
Housing the marginalised in the global south
Coley, D. (PI), Albadra, D. (CoI) & Hart, J. (CoI)
14/09/20 → 31/07/21
Project: Research-related funding
ABC: Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund - Active Building Centre
Coley, D. (PI), Allen, S. (CoI) & Walker, I. (CoI)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
3/09/18 → 30/09/22
Project: Research council
Newton Fund - Zero Peak Building Energy Design for India
Natarajan, S. (PI), Coley, D. (CoI), Davenport, J. (CoI), McCullen, N. (CoI) & Walker, I. (CoI)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/11/17 → 31/10/22
Project: Research council
Research output
Improving the Shelter Design Process via a Shelter Assessment Matrix
Kuchai, N., Albadra, D., Lo, S., Shepherd, P., Paszkiewicz, N., Natarajan, S., Orr, J., Hart, J., Adeyeye, K., Saied, S. & Coley, D., 1 Oct 2024, In: Progress in Disaster Science. 23, 100354.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access1 Citation (SciVal) -
Climate Resilient Energy Efficient Design in Architecture (CREEDA): a design manual for India
Natarajan, S., Coley, D., Moran, F., Shorey, G. & Jain, N., 31 Mar 2023, University of Bath. 92 p.Research output: Book/Report › Other report
Open AccessFile185 Downloads (Pure) -
Decarbonising at scale: Extracting strategic thinking from EPC and deprivation data
Ampatzidis, P., Bowyer, E., Stephenson, V. & Coley, D., 1 Nov 2023, In: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. 44, 6, p. 625-639Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access1 Citation (SciVal) -
Fuzzy inference decision model to quantify the effectiveness of incentives on delivering green buildings
Tajaddini, A., Pirooznezhad, L., Ravanshadnia, M. & Coley, D., 16 Nov 2023, In: International Journal of Construction Management. 18 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile7 Downloads (Pure) -
Narrative modelling: A comparison of high and low mass dwelling solutions in Afghanistan and Peru
Eltaweel, A., Kuchai, N., Albadra, D., Coley, D., Hart, J., Acevedo-De-los-Ríos, A. & Rondinel-Oviedo, D. R., 1 Jan 2023, In: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. 44, 1, p. 5-24 20 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access3 Citations (SciVal)55 Downloads (Pure)
Dataset for "Analysing experiences and issues in self-built shelters in Bangladesh using transdisciplinary approach"
Klansek, T. (Creator), Rota, F. (Creator), Coley, D. (Creator), Albadra, D. (Creator), Paszkiewicz, N. (Creator) & Ball, R. (Creator), University of Bath, 8 Oct 2020
DOI: 10.15125/BATH-00781
Dataset for "Mitigation versus adaptation: Does insulating buildings increase overheating risk?"
Fosas, D. (Creator), Coley, D. (Creator), Natarajan, S. (Creator), Herrera Fernandez, M. (Creator), Fosas de Pando, M. (Creator) & Ramallo-González, A. (Creator), University of Bath, 26 Jul 2018
DOI: 10.15125/BATH-00390
Dataset for "Evaluating the suitability of standard thermal comfort approaches for hospital patients in air-conditioned environments in hot climates"
Alotaibi, B. (Creator), Lo, S. (Supervisor) & Coley, D. (Editor), University of Bath, 11 Sept 2019
DOI: 10.15125/BATH-00678
Dataset for 'How smart do smart meters need to be?'
Mogles, N. (Creator), Walker, I. (Creator), Ramallo-González, A. (Creator), Lee, J. (Creator), Natarajan, S. (Creator), Padget, J. (Creator), Gabe-Thomas, E. (Creator), Hyniewska, S. (Creator), Lovett, T. (Creator), Ren, G. (Creator), O'Neill, E. (Creator), Hourizi, R. (Creator) & Coley, D. (Creator), University of Bath, 1 Oct 2016
DOI: 10.15125/BATH-00256
Dataset for Thermal Comfort Survey in Hitsats Refugee Camp
Kuchai, N. (Creator), Coley, D. (Supervisor), Paszkiewicz, N. (Researcher), Natarajan, S. (Work Package Leader) & Albadra, D. (Researcher), University of Bath, 8 Dec 2020
DOI: 10.15125/BATH-00936