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COVID-19: An Algorithmic Model for Critical Medical Resource Rationing in a Public Health Emergency
Vasilakis, C. (PI)
28/12/20 → 31/01/22
Project: Research council
Developing a new MOOC on Innovation in Healthcare
Salandra, R. (PI) & Vasilakis, C. (CoI)
West of England Academic Health Science Network (WEAHSN)
1/12/20 → 30/11/22
Project: UK charity
Facilitating end user involvement and uptake of PathSimR
Vasilakis, C. (PI)
1/09/20 → 30/11/21
Project: UK charity
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Massive Open Online Course “Quality Improvement In Healthcare: Making the Case for Change”
Vasilakis, C. (PI) & Smith, S. (Researcher)
West of England Academic Health Science Network (WEAHSN)
22/01/20 → 31/12/20
Project: Other
Putting patient outcome and experience in the heart of policy analytics: a dynamic cancer population model
Vasilakis, C. (PI)
NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG
1/10/19 → 30/09/23
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Vasilakis, C. (PI) & Smith, S. (Researcher)
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
1/11/18 → 21/01/20
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Developing a versatile tool for modelling pathway capacity in NHS organisations
Vasilakis, C. (PI)
1/10/18 → 31/12/19
Project: UK charity
Supporting the implementation of an early cancer diagnosis programme in Cwm Taf
Vasilakis, C. (PI), Fichera, E. (CoI) & Lewis, M. (CoI)
31/03/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Improving Health Care Operations through Modelling and Simulation
Vasilakis, C. (PI)
1/02/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Developing a Whole-System Intervention on Hospital Re-admission: A Pilot Study
Vasilakis, C. (PI)
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
1/11/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Analyst in Residence
Vasilakis, C. (PI)
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust (previously YDH)
4/01/16 → 3/01/18
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Researchers in Residence
Vasilakis, C. (PI) & Erdogan, G. (CoI)
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
16/11/15 → 30/06/18
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Atrial Fibrillation Modelling
Vasilakis, C. (PI)
West of England Academic Health Science Network (WEAHSN)
1/05/15 → 31/05/17
Project: Central government, health and local authorities