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Accepting Doctoral Students

Personal profile

Research interests

My research lies at the intersection of social-psychological research on stereotyping and prejudice, cognitive psychology, and methodology. In my work, I use basic laboratory methods to study attitudes and social cogniton as these topics pertain to  broad questions of intergroup relations, stereotyping, prejudice, and other social topics in modern societies. Discussions around these social problems are often replete with assumptions about human cognition, such as claims about inequality stemming from “unconscious racism”, or claims that people should be more or less “colorblind” or “multicultural”. My contribution to these debates is to ask: What are the empirical grounds for such claims? On what assumptions about basic human cognition do they rest? Are those assumptions justified given the available evidence? Using experimental laboratory methods, I try to advance our understanding of the cognitive processes involved in intergroup relations and attitude expression to apply them to relevant questions and challenges we experience in our current societies.


Key publications

  • Hahn, A., Banchefsky, S., Park, B., & Judd, C. M. (2015). Measuring intergroup ideologies: Positive and negative aspects of emphasizing versus looking beyond group differences. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41, 1646–1664. http://doi.org/10.1177/0146167215607351
  • Hahn, A., Judd, C. M., Hirsh, H. K., & Blair, I. V. (2014). Awareness of implicit attitudes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143, 1369–1392. http://doi.org/10.1037/a0035028


Public Outreach (selection)

  • Lutrell, Andy (2022, April 11): Episode 60: Unconscious Bias? with Adam Hahn. Episode on the podcast series “Opinion Science” dedicated to a 45-min interview with me about my research on awareness of bias. Twitter
    Apple Pods: https://buff.ly/3JwmuT8,
    Spotify: https://buff.ly/3jrfUTb,
    youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVJ3kh3uEXg

  • Hahn, A. (2023). “ Struktureller Rassismus als Hindernis für Diversität – Auch subjektiv vorurteilsfreie Menschen können (unabsichtlich) Ungleichheiten verstärken.“ [„Structural Racism as an obstacle to diversity – you may contribute to inequality even if you think of yourself as unbiased”]. Invited talk and panel discussion for the German Psychological Society (DGPs) on “diversity in (social) psychology” (online), May 2023
  • "The power of stereotypes and biases in news – How to combat your own prejudices". Panel discussion during the Global Media Forum hosted by Deutsche Welle on June 21, 2022.

  • Afraid of your neighbour?” [„Angst vor dem Nachbarn“?]. Panel discussion at the University of Cologne on July 5, 2016. https://wwc.hypotheses.org/1776

Academic distinctions

  • Teacher of the semester award autumn/winter 2022/23 in the department of psychology, awarded for highest student evaluations for “Attitudes and Social Cognition” of any final-year unit, University of Bath, United Kingdom, awarded March 2023

  • Winner (x2) of Teaching Award "Best Master's level Seminar 2019 (2020)" ("Lehrpreis 2019 (2020) für das beste Seminar des Jahres" - annual vote by students in the University of Cologne’s Department of Psychology) for "Core Topics in Social Cognition", Department of Psychology, University of Cologne, Germany, academic years 2018/19 & 2019/20

External Third-Party Grant Funding

  • Research grant and collaboration with NGO Africa No Filter (www.africanofilter.org) on Project “Well-intended but Harmful? A Rigorous Scientific Investigation of the Relationship Between Stereotypes of Africa As Poor, Prejudice, and Behavioural Intentions” (through Rockefeller Foundation), 2023

  • Research Grant Self-Insight into Attitudes: Distinguishing Introspective from Social Self-Awareness in Research on Implicit Evaluations, awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), 2017

Internal Competitive University Grants and Awards

  • Seedcorn Grant Multiculturalism and colorblindness, awarded by C-SEB, University of Cologne, 2017
  • Winner and PI of Seedcorn Grant from the Center for Economic and Social Behavior Cologne (C-SEB) The Psychology of Self-insight, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 2015/16
  • Co-Investigator on Bridging Grant from the Center for Economic and Social Behavior Cologne (C-SEB, PI: Wilhelm Hofmann) Antecedents and Consequences of Solidary Giving, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 2015/16
  • Dissertation fellowship by the University of Colorado, 2012
  • University of Colorado Travel Awards for various international conferences, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012

Grants Won by Students under My Supervision

  • Co-Supervisor (together with Rita Silva) of Student Grant awarded to Elena Angerer to fund her Master's thesis titled Changing Tires or Changing Diapers—The Influence of Engaging in Counter-Stereotypic Behavior on Stereotyping, awarded by C-SEB, University of Cologne, 2018
  • Supervisor of Student Grant awarded to Janine Flügels to fund her Master's thesis titled Acknowledgment of Implicit Biases and Discriminative Behaviors Against Ethnic Minorities, awarded by C-SEB, University of Cologne, 2018


Willing to supervise doctoral students

I am looking for doctoral students interested in social cognition. I supervise quantitative projects (lab and online studies) concerned with the cognitive underpinnings of processes related to attitudes and stereotypes and prejudice. My currently most active line of research is concerned with awareness and implicit measures of attitudes and stereotyping and prejudice.

I would not be the right supervisor for qualitative research projects.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities

Education/Academic qualification

Social Cognition, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Postdoctoral Fellow, Western University


Award Date: 28 Feb 2014

Social Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Colorado


Award Date: 11 Aug 2012

Social Psychology, Master of Arts, University of Colorado


Award Date: 18 Dec 2009

Psychology (general), Master of Science, Diplom, Freie Universität Berlin


Social Psychology, visiting researcher, Visiting Assistant in Research, Yale University


Psychology, visiting graduate student, Study Abroad, Yale University


External positions

Affiliated, University of Cologne

1 Jul 2020 → …


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