Projects per year
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Food Standards Authority Supply of Behavioural Analyst Research Fellow
Larkin, C. (PI), Barnett, J. (CoI) & Fichera, E. (CoI)
19/07/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
The effect of COVID-19 on racial and religious hate crimes in the UK
Clifton-Sprigg, J. (PI), James, J. (PI), Vujic, S. (PI) & Carr, J. (PI)
1/04/21 → 10/02/25
Project: Other
Improving the Patient Experiences of African Caribbean Men Detained Under the Mental Health Act: A Co Produced Intervention Using the Silences Framework
Duxbury, J. (PI), Baker, S. (CoI), Haines-Delmont, A. (CoI), Heyes, K. (CoI), Craig, E. (CoI), Dixon, J. (PI), Husain, N. (CoI), Leah, C. (CoI), Mallaband Bergqvist, A. (CoI), Miller, E. (CoI), Serrant, L. (CoI), Jamal, M. (CoI), King, C. (CoI), Littlewood, C. (CoI) & Sewell, H. (CoI)
1/02/21 → 31/12/24
Project: Research council
The role of mutual aid groups in brokering social connection and mitigating loneliness: learning from COVID-19
Barnett, J. (PI) & Cioroianu, I. (CoI)
1/01/21 → 31/03/21
Project: Research council
From stone to phone: Livelihoods, resource governance and artisanal cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Maconachie, R. (PI) & Sun, Y. (CoI)
1/10/20 → 31/07/21
Project: Research-related funding
Housing the marginalised in the global south
Coley, D. (PI), Albadra, D. (CoI) & Hart, J. (CoI)
14/09/20 → 31/07/21
Project: Research-related funding
Bath Global Chair 2020-2021: Prof. Heike Solga
Lauder, H. (PI) & Cooke, L. P. (PI)
1/09/20 → 31/08/21
Project: Research-related funding
Is technological change shrinking households’ income share? An analysis for developed and developing economies
Garcia Lazaro, A. (PI), Pearce, N. (CoI), Larkin, C. (CoI) & Sanchez-Vargas, A. (CoI)
1/03/20 → 30/09/22
Project: Research-related funding
Tackling the Root Causes of Unhealthy Decision-¬‐making Upstream in Urban Development (TRU3D)
Bondy, K. (PI)
1/06/19 → 31/05/24
Project: Research council
Tackling the Root Causes of Unhealthy Decision-¬‐making Upstream in Urban Development (TRU3D)
Bondy, K. (PI)
1/06/19 → 31/05/24
Project: Research council
UK Pension Reforms (1997-2015): Elite and Expert Interviews
Pearce, N. (PI), Massala, T. (Researcher) & Wood, M. (Researcher)
4/02/19 → 29/11/19
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Beyond the academic: extra-curricular activities, soft skills and social mobility
Donnelly, M. (PI), Sandoval Hernandez, A. (CoI), Lazetic, P. (CoI), Kameshwara, K. K. (CoI) & Whewall, S. (CoI)
1/01/19 → 31/05/19
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
NextGen - Towards a next generation of water systems and services for the circular economy
Hofman, J. (PI), Adeyeye, K. (CoI), Durrant, H. (CoI), Hunt, A. (CoI) & Lanham, A. (CoI)
1/07/18 → 30/11/22
Project: EU Commission
Country expert / partner - Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) “Global Dynamics of Social Policy”
Papadopoulos, T. (CoI)
1/04/18 → 1/04/22
Project: Research-related funding
Couples balancing work, money and care: exploring the shifting landscape under Universal Credit (with Fran Bennett Univ of Oxford)
Millar, J. (PI), Griffiths, R. (Researcher) & Wood, M. (Researcher)
Economic and Social Research Council
14/03/18 → 30/09/21
Project: Research council
Do subject requirements of degree courses impose unfair or inappropriate constraints on who can apply, and impair efforts to widen access to higher education?
McCombie, P. (PI), Dickson, M. (CoI), Pearce, N. (CoI) & Essex, S. (PI)
19/02/18 → 18/02/21
Project: Other
Asset Based Welfare - Literature Review
Pearce, N. (PI)
5/02/18 → 16/03/18
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
BEYOND INFORMALITY: Beyond Informality. Organising life and work in the urban space in the global North and South
Dinerstein, A. C. (PI)
1/02/18 → 31/01/21
Project: Research council
Young Peoples' understandings of mental health concepts and school strategies
Brown, C. (PI) & Dixon, J. (CoI)
21/12/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Research-related funding
Assessing the case for basic income in light of automation and labour market change: A comparative European perspective
Pearce, N. (PI) & Martinelli, L. (Researcher)
2/10/17 → 31/07/19
Project: UK industry
dCarb CDT PhD studentship - Optimising phase change material use for energy-efficient buildings
Ferrandiz-Mas, V. (PI), Wadee, A. (Researcher), McCullen, N. (CoI) & Walker, P. (CoI)
2/10/17 → 28/02/22
Project: Research-related funding
Ph.D studentship
Hart, J. (PI)
2/10/17 → 2/10/20
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Connecting Data - Understanding Social Care Demand
Pearce, N. (PI) & Barnett, J. (CoI)
1/04/17 → 31/10/18
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
ISRF Political Economy Research Fellowship (Jurgen de Wispelaere)
Pearce, N. (PI)
Independent Social Research Foundation
15/03/17 → 14/03/18
Project: Other
Review of Literature on Young Parents
Griffiths, R. (PI) & Wood, M. (Researcher)
6/02/17 → 31/03/17
Project: UK charity
The Future of Community Pharmacy in England: Policy, Stakeholder and Public Perspectives
Jones, M. (PI), Watson, M. (CoI) & Ozieranski, P. (PI)
23/01/17 → 23/01/20
Project: Research-related funding
EDF: Hinkley Point C Health and Wellbeing Provision
Standage, M. (PI), Bilzon, J. (CoI), Gillison, F. (CoI) & Curran, T. (CoI)
1/09/16 → 31/12/17
Project: UK industry
ExpoNet: Measuring information exposure in dynamic and dependent networks
Cioroianu, I. (Researcher), Banducci, S. (PI), Williams, H. T. P. (CoI), Coan, T. (CoI), Jasny, L. (CoI), Lazer, D. (CoI) & Katz, G. (CoI)
1/01/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Project at a former HEI
Pilot of Parental Engagement Toolkit for Schools
Goodall, J. (PI)
17/11/15 → 17/01/17
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Change, Choice and Constraint in Family and Work
Millar, J. (PI) & Ridge, T. (CoI)
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation
1/10/15 → 31/01/17
Project: UK charity
EPSRC Institutional Sponsorship Award
Millar, J. (PI) & Hunt, J. (CoI)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/06/15 → 31/03/16
Project: Research council
Achieving the Strategic Edge Through People 2040: The Sharing Economy (DHCSTC TIN2.068)
Purser, C. (PI), Burrows, J. (CoI), Yalabik, Z. (CoI) & Hope Hailey, V. (CoI)
1/05/15 → 1/09/15
Project: Research-related funding
Technology and the Rise of Boundless Warfare
Galbreath, D. (PI)
1/03/15 → 1/03/19
Project: Research council
Global Mobility Scheme - management of welfare risks by older adults and their carers in Zheijang Province, China and the UK / An exploration of the family work for psychosis in Guangdong Province, China
Dixon, J. (PI)
1/01/15 → 31/12/15
Project: Research-related funding
Understanding the Impact of Tobacco Tax Increasses and Tobacco Industry Pricing on Smoking Behaviours and Inequalities
Branston, R. (PI)
National Institute for Health Research
1/09/14 → 31/08/17
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Understanding the Impact of Tobacco Tax Increases and Tobacco Industry Pricing on Smoking Behaviours and Inequalities
Gilmore, A. (PI), Branston, R. (CoI), Sims, M. (CoI) & Hiscock, R. (Researcher)
National Institute for Health Research
1/09/14 → 31/12/21
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Connecting Data Across Public Services in Bath and North East Somerset
Barnett, J. (PI)
1/04/14 → 31/03/16
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
NWO-WOTRO, Dutch aid effectiveness evaluation
Maitrot, M. (CoI) & Devine, J. (PI)
2/01/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Central government, health and local authorities