Projects per year
Search results
The virtual biomechanics lab
Seminati, E. (PI), Cazzola, D. (CoI) & Campbell, N. (CoI)
1/09/24 → 30/04/25
Project: Research-related funding
The virtual biomechanics lab
Seminati, E. (PI), Cazzola, D. (CoI) & Campbell, N. (CoI)
1/09/24 → 31/05/25
Project: Research-related funding
Tackle Training and Law Change Evaluation in Canadian Female Rugby
West, S. (CoI)
1/05/24 → 1/05/27
Project: Research-related funding
Empowering limb diversity: bridging the gaps in paediatric prosthetic care
Seminati, E. (PI)
1/05/24 → 31/05/25
Project: Research-related funding
Management of Adolescent Growth in Competitive Sports (MAGIC-S) Project
Cumming, S. (PI) & Williams, S. (CoI)
26/06/23 → 25/06/25
Project: UK charity
ML-MSK Preventing Injury
Cazzola, D. (PI) & Silvestros, P. (Researcher)
RFU Injured Players Foundation
22/05/23 → 3/10/25
Project: UK charity
Women’s Rugby Injury Surveillance Project
Williams, S. (PI), Stokes, K. (CoI) & McKay, C. (PI)
23/01/23 → 22/01/26
Project: Research-related funding
PRISP: Professional Rugby Injury Surveillance Project
Hudson, S. (PI) & Stokes, K. (PI)
12/09/22 → …
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Physical Activity, Knee Joint Loading, and Joint Health Following an Intra-Articular Knee Injury
Morgan, K. (PI)
1/08/22 → 1/02/26
Project: Research-related funding
The Earswitch: NIHR i4i PDA: taking proof-of-concept via co-design and objective technical/ user validation to a user ready assistive technology switch, incorporating wider health and care innovative sensor applications
Metcalfe, B. (PI), Cazzola, D. (CoI) & Clarke, C. (CoI)
National Institute for Health Research
1/04/22 → 30/04/25
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Community Rugby Injury Surveillance Project: 2021-2024 (amendment)
Stokes, K. (PI), McKay, C. (CoI), Williams, S. (CoI), Freeman-Eves, T. (Researcher), Roberts, S. (Researcher) & White, V. (Researcher)
1/09/21 → 31/08/27
Project: UK charity
ESA-CORA-GBF: Estimating lower limb joint internal loading during locomotion and plyometric movement and their relationship to simulated hypogravity: in vivo data to inform in silico analyses
Cazzola, D. (PI), Colyer, S. (CoI) & Cowburn, J. (Researcher)
23/08/21 → 30/09/25
Project: Other
Centre for the Analysis of Motion, Entertainment Research and Applications (CAMERA) - 2.0
Campbell, N. (PI), Cosker, D. (PI), Bilzon, J. (CoI), Campbell, N. (CoI), Cazzola, D. (CoI), Colyer, S. (CoI), Cosker, D. (CoI), Lutteroth, C. (CoI), McGuigan, P. (CoI), O'Neill, E. (CoI), Petrini, K. (CoI), Proulx, M. (CoI) & Yang, Y. (CoI)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/11/20 → 31/10/25
Project: Research council
PASHiOn: Personalised Against Standard High tibial Osteotomy Randomised Control Trial
Gill, R. (PI), Gill, R. (PI), MacLeod, A. (Researcher) & MacLeod, A. (Researcher)
1/01/20 → 31/03/25
Project: UK charity
SWDTP: South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP)
Cumming, S. (PI)
1/10/17 → 30/09/27
Project: Research-related funding
Not started
Enhancing Research Culture Grant Application: Injury prevention in female youth rugby union: engaging with a novel group to improve research understanding
West, S. (PI) & Stokes, K. (PI)
Project: Research-related funding
Scanning the world; an accessible and sustainable approach for limb difference care
Bailey, N. (PI), Seminati, E. (CoI) & Berthaume, M. (CoI)
Project: Research-related funding
CIHR-Smith Foreign Student Study Supplement
West, S. (CoI), Kolstad, A. (PI) & Stokes, K. (PI)
12/05/24 → 14/07/24
Project: Research-related funding
Co-designing a digital application to record and monitor socket discomfort to support communication socket comfort and fit
Seminati, E. (CoI), Donovan-Hall, M. (PI) & Bramley, J. (CoI)
1/05/24 → 31/07/24
Project: Research-related funding
Additively manufactured moisture wicking structures for breathable prosthesis liners
Seminati, E. (CoI), Pegg, E. (CoI) & Dhokia, V. (PI)
1/05/24 → 31/07/24
Project: Research-related funding
Musculoskeletal modeling for fast prototyping
Seminati, E. (PI) & Cazzola, D. (PI)
1/04/24 → 31/07/24
Project: UK industry
Instrumented mouthguards, video analysis, and epidemiology to examine rugby injuries among Canadian youth: A multi-method approach for injury prevention
West, S. (CoI)
26/02/24 → 10/03/24
Project: Research-related funding
EPSRC-RTN: Texo-Skeleton: transforming everyday clothing into self-adaptable exoskeleton for musculoskeletal rehabilitation
Preatoni, E. (CoI), Lugoda, P. (PI), Dharmasena, R. D. I. G. (PI), Lieu, B. X. W. (CoI), Kerr, A. (CoI) & Ding, Z. (CoI)
1/07/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research council
GW4 BUILDING COMMUNITIES PROGRAMME: GW4 community studying fatigue in people with multiple long-term conditions
L Davies, J. (PI), Dawes, H. (CoI), Busse Morris, M. (CoI), Preatoni, E. (CoI) & Coulthard, L. (CoI)
1/06/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Other
A sense-act digital technology for the home-based care of diabetic foot ulcers
Preatoni, E. (PI), Cioroianu, I. (CoI), Ehrhardt, B. (CoI), Gurevich, D. (CoI), Kreusser, L. (CoI), Lazarus, J. (CoI), Metcalfe, B. (CoI), Nishtala, P. (CoI), Sharp, T. (CoI) & Carter, J. (Researcher)
25/02/23 → 31/07/23
Project: Research-related funding
Development of a digital therapeutic intervention to improve the quality of life and reduce the healthcare costs of those living with chronic diseases
Preatoni, E. (PI), Cioroianu, I. (PI), Ehrhardt, B. (PI), Gurevich, D. (PI), Kreusser, L. (PI), Lazarus, J. (PI), Metcalfe, B. (PI), Nishtala, P. (PI) & Sharp, T. (PI)
1/09/22 → 28/02/23
Project: Research-related funding
Explore new online resources for teaching Anatomy
Seminati, E. (PI), Brazil, A. (PI) & Reeves, J. (PI)
1/09/22 → 30/09/23
Project: Research-related funding
Qualitative Research Seminar Series II
Bekker, S. (CoI), Costas Batlle, I. (CoI), Chudzikowski, K. (CoI), Morgan-Trimmer, S. (CoI), Spotswood, F. (CoI), Cicmil, S. (CoI) & Clift, B. (PI)
1/01/22 → 31/07/22
Project: Research-related funding
Evaluating the intelligent Knee OsteoArthritis Lifestyle App (iKOALA)
Bilzon, J. (PI)
1/11/21 → 31/03/23
Project: UK charity
IAA Collaboratively Testing the iKOALA osteoarthritis app
Stevenson, R. (PI) & Bilzon, J. (CoI)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/10/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research council
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IAA – Real World Evaluation of a Powered Intelligent Prosthetic Ankle
Seminati, E. (PI), Iravani, P. (CoI), McGuigan, P. (CoI) & Cowburn, J. (Researcher)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/07/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research council
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Injury epidemiology and injury prevention in English Cricket
Williams, S. (PI), Stokes, K. (CoI) & McKay, C. (CoI)
12/04/21 → 11/04/24
Project: Research-related funding
West of England Academic Health Science Network – University of Bath translational research facilitator
Bilzon, J. (PI) & Stevenson, R. (Researcher)
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
1/04/21 → 31/03/23
Project: UK charity
Earswitch i4i connect
Cazzola, D. (PI), Metcalfe, B. (CoI), Leonhardt, M. (Researcher) & Stevenson, R. (Researcher)
National Institute for Health Research
1/02/21 → 31/01/22
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Qualitative Research Seminar Series
Bekker, S. (CoI), Costas Batlle, I. (CoI), Gore, J. (CoI), Cicmil, S. (CoI), Morgan-Trimmer, S. (CoI), Spotswood, F. (CoI) & Clift, B. (PI)
1/01/21 → 31/07/21
Project: Research-related funding
A Feasibility Study of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to Reduce Cardiometabolic Disease Risks in Individuals with Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Bilzon, J. (PI) & Maher, J. (Researcher)
National Institute for Health Research
1/12/20 → 14/06/23
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
TOKA FE Modeller
Gill, R. (PI) & MacLeod, A. (Researcher)
Innovate UK, Innovate UK Business Connect
5/10/20 → 30/09/21
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
IAA Implementation of a marker-less motion capture system for skeleton push-start performance analysis
Colyer, S. (PI) & Evans, M. (Researcher)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/10/20 → 30/04/21
Project: Research council
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Bath Global Chair 2020-2021: Prof. Alberto Minetti
Cazzola, D. (PI)
1/09/20 → 31/08/21
Project: Research-related funding
Tackle height: injury risk analysis via computer simulation
Cazzola, D. (PI)
RFU Injured Players Foundation
6/07/20 → 1/09/20
Project: UK charity
RAEng Ingenious Award: Perfect machines: engineering a super hero
Gheduzzi, S. (PI), Pegg, E. (CoI) & Cazzola, D. (CoI)
1/05/20 → 31/07/21
Project: Research-related funding
Analysis of Spinal Injury in Horseracing
Cazzola, D. (PI), McGuigan, P. (CoI) & Stokes, K. (CoI)
1/04/20 → 31/12/24
Project: UK charity
An examination of stress in midwives
Arnold, R. (PI) & Moore, L. (CoI)
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
1/04/20 → 31/01/22
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Co-developing biomechanics feedback methods to improve treatment for people living with axSpA
Rouse, P. (PI), Cazzola, D. (PI), Jones, S. (PI) & Sengupta, R. (PI)
21/02/20 → 31/08/23
Project: Research-related funding
Utility of a Self-monitoring smartphone platform in the management of axSpA
Rouse, P. (PI), Cazzola, D. (PI), Jones, S. (PI) & Sengupta, R. (PI)
10/02/20 → 31/08/23
Project: Research-related funding
Exploring lmmersive Support for People Affected by Phantom Limb Pain'.
Bilzon, J. (PI) & Wade, L. (Researcher)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
20/01/20 → 1/04/21
Project: Research council
Quantile regression analysis for growth prediction
Ehrhardt, B. (PI) & Cumming, S. (PI)
1/11/19 → 30/11/19
Project: Research-related funding
TOKA/3D Metal Printing - A treatment for knee arthritis
Gill, R. (PI) & MacLeod, A. (Researcher)
14/01/19 → 14/01/19
Project: Research council
Community Rugby Injury Surveillance Project 2017-2021: Community, Schools & Universities
Stokes, K. (PI), McKay, C. (CoI), Williams, S. (CoI) & Roberts, S. (Researcher)
1/06/17 → 31/12/24
Project: UK charity