Projects per year
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MEC_TIP: Minimising Embodied Carbon in foundations by novel pile Thermal Integrity Profiling techniques
Pelecanos, L. (PI) & Mevoli, F. (CoI)
2/01/25 → 1/10/25
Project: Research council
SWDTP Academic-Led-Collaboration grant
Bajoori, E. (PI), Lavi, R. (CoI), Huang, W. (CoI) & Giovannoni, F. (CoI)
15/11/24 → 31/07/25
Project: Research-related funding
Embedding mathematical foundations in single molecule data analysis
Dodson, C. (PI), Rohrbeck, C. (PI) & Walker, B. (PI)
1/11/24 → 1/03/25
Project: Research-related funding
Scaled-up mechanochemical activation of clay minerals
Ke, X. (PI), Bernal Lopez, S. (CoI), Calabria-Holley, J. (CoI), Heath, A. (CoI), Tole, I. (Researcher) & Wilson, J. (Researcher)
1/10/24 → 28/02/25
Project: Research council
CSC: Lightning and Climate in China
Fullekrug, M. (CoI) & Xu , M. (PI)
1/10/24 → 30/09/25
Project: Research-related funding
Air Quality Improvement and Resilience through Urban Morphology and Environment
Biscaya, S. (PI)
2/09/24 → 31/07/26
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Low Frequency Radio Array on Marion Island and at the South African National Antarctic Expedition (SANAE)
Fullekrug, M. (PI) & Kosch , M. (CoI)
1/09/24 → 31/07/26
Project: Research-related funding
Developing rainfall frequency models for critical infrastructure design in a changing environment
Kjeldsen, T. (PI) & Barnes, A. (CoI)
1/08/24 → 31/07/26
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Transforming the use of Ansys simulation software within engineering curricula at the University of Bath
Pegg, E. (PI), Fraser, K. (CoPI), Chen, Y. (CoI), Mohammadi, A. (CoI), Pigeon, M. (CoI), Williams, D. (CoI) & Cayzer, S. (CoI)
20/06/24 → 1/10/25
Project: UK industry
Fatigue coupling evolution mechanism and service performance of cables in long-span bridges under extreme weather conditions
Pelecanos, L. (PI)
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Research council
Innovative low-cost recyclable building materials in Egyptian local construction
Maskell, D. (PI) & Cascione, V. (CoI)
1/04/24 → 31/03/25
Project: Central government, health and local authorities
Understanding failure mechanisms of fibrous plaster elements in historic ceilings via synchrotron XRD and CT
Lunt, A. (PI), Ansell, M. (CoI), Ball, R. (PI), Dams, B. (CoI), Harney, M. (CoI) & Srisuriyachot, J. (CoI)
4/10/23 → …
Project: Research-related funding
Transforming Housing and Homes for Future Generations
Walker, P. (PI), Allen, S. (CoI), Demski, C. (CoI), Grover, R. (CoI), Hawkins, W. (CoI), Lewis, M. (CoI) & Shea, A. (CoI)
Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Research council
Searching for Upper Atmospheric Waves at the Edge of Space (SURGE)
Hindley, N. (PI)
Natural Environment Research Council
1/10/23 → 30/09/28
Project: Research council
RS URF Renewal - Gravity Wave Impacts, from Short to Long Timescales
Wright, C. (PI) & Almowafy, M. (Researcher)
1/10/22 → 30/09/25
Project: Research council
High-performance carbon-neutral Geopolymer heat Battery for thermochemical energy storage in net-zero buildings
Ke, X. (PI)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
25/07/22 → 24/07/25
Project: Research council
EISCAT_3D FINESSE: Fine-scale Structuring, Scintillation, and Electrodynamics
Forte, B. (PI), Astin, I. (CoI) & Mitchell, C. (CoI)
Natural Environment Research Council
11/04/22 → 10/04/26
Project: Research council
DRivers and Impacts of Ionospheric Variability with EISCAT-3D (DRIIVE)
Wright, C. (PI), Astin, I. (CoI), Hindley, N. (CoI) & Mitchell, C. (CoI)
Natural Environment Research Council
11/04/22 → 10/04/26
Project: Research council
MesoS2D: Mesospheric sub-seasonal to decadal predictability
Wright, C. (PI)
Natural Environment Research Council
3/04/22 → 2/04/26
Project: Research council