Headspace gas mass spectrometer (headspace gas MS)

    Facility/equipment: Equipment

    • LocationShow on map

      9 W 0.03 University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY

      UK United Kingdom

    Equipments Details


    The headspace mass spectrometer samples from the headspace of a homogeneous reaction generating gases, using a carrier gas to flow through the headspace (typically argon). The mass spectrometer can be used to identify masses between 1 and 300 amu. Gases are not returned to the headspace after analysis.


    NameMake: HIDEN ANALYTICAL; Model: HPR-20QIC
    Acquisition date31/01/17

    Equipment taxonomy

    • Mass Spectrometry

    User-defined keywords

    • Dynamic reaction monitoring
    • Reaction monitoring
    • DReaM
    • Headspace gas mass spectrometry
    • Headspace gas
    • MS


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