Zoti's Social Toolkit is a toolkit for measuring emotion inference skills and conflict resolution styles. It has been designed for use with primary school children. Zoti's Social Toolkit has been purposefully designed to be accessible for people who have communication difficulties, such as Developmental Language Disorder.
This set of stimuli includes two tasks: An emotion inference task, and a conflict resolution task. The protocols for the two tasks are made available. Also available are the animation files, which are embedded in the two tasks. Researchers may wish to embed the animations into their own software for experimental purposes.
The stimuli for Zoti's Social Toolkit has been piloted in multiple studies. During the piloting process, some of the animation files were removed from the final toolkit since they were not deemed valid for the author's purposes. These additional animation files are made available here. Researchers may wish to use these additional animations for their own experimental purposes.
An online version of Zoti’s Social Toolkit has been developed and is available for use here. Researchers may wish to download this version of the toolkit for use with PsychoPy or Pavlovia.org. Researchers are welcome to adapt this version of the toolkit for their own purposes. Full instructions for using this version of the task, including restrictions for its use, are made available here.