
The zip file contain 4 datasets in csv format. Each of them correspond to weather files of one hot summer year hourly data based on the weather observed over 40 (basis) years, 1974 - 2013. Two are the so-called probabilistic design summer years (PDSY) for the cities of London (UK) and Joao Pessoa (Brazil). The PDSY uses an overheating metric that is based on the number of hours in which the temperature is above a certain threshold when a building is occupied. Then, PDSY is created by selecting an entire year which contains the third hottest mean based on this overheating metric. PDSY is currently used in the UK as reference of warm summers. However it is the first time that a PDSY is created for Brazil. The other two weather files correspond to the new quantile ensemble regression summer year (QRESY) also aiming to represent hot summers both for London and Joao Pessoa. QRESY is created by combining observed summer extreme temperatures. This is done by endowing higher weights to quantiles away from the median for ensembles within upper quantiles. At the same time, it increases the importance of quantiles near to the median for combining lower quantiles.
Date made available21 Mar 2018
PublisherUniversity of Bath
Temporal coverage1 Jan 1974 - 31 Dec 2013
Geographical coverageLondon (UK) and Joao Pessoa (Brazil)

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