Dataset for "Zeolites fit for a Crown: Probing Host-Guest Interactions with Thermogravimetric Methods"



This dataset contains the relevant data for the article "Zeolites fit for a Crown: Probing Host-Guest Interactions with Thermogravimetric Methods". This includes the following. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data used to identify and confirm the structure of the zeolites samples prepared. Thermogravimetric (TG) data of how the mass% of the zeolite samples vary with increasing temperature, in addition to the mass spectrometry (MS) signals of the gases liberated from the samples. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) data, used to observe the change in heat flow in the samples with temperature, to observe the enthalpy changes. Also included are .tiff files of the figures present in the article.
Date made available29 Jul 2020
PublisherUniversity of Bath

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