Dataset for "Tri-mode optical biopsy probe with fluorescence endomicroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy"

  • Harry Wood (Creator)
  • Katjana Ehrlich (Creator)
  • Stephanos Yerolatsitis (University of Central Florida) (Creator)
  • András Kufcsák (Creator)
  • James Stone (Creator)
  • Tom Quinn (Creator)
  • Susan Fernandes (Creator)
  • Dominic Norberg (Contributor)
  • Nia Caitlin Jenkins (Contributor)
  • Vikki Young (Contributor)
  • Irene Young (Contributor)
  • Katie Hamilton (Contributor)
  • Sohan Seth (Contributor)
  • Ahsan R. Akram (Contributor)
  • Robert R Thomson (Contributor)
  • Keith Finlayson (Contributor)
  • Kevin Dhaliwal (Project Manager)



Data supporting "Tri-mode optical biopsy probe with fluorescence endomicroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy", including figures from the article, supplementary figures and diagrams of the experimental setups used, bend loss data from the fibre used for Time Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRFS), and the raw Optical EndoMicroscopy (OEM) video files used to produce figure 5.

This body of work characterises the performance of an optical fibre probe that was designed and built to provide three complimentary optical methods of endoscopically interrogating human tissue: Optical EndoMicroscopy (OEM), Time Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRFS), and Raman spectroscopy. Its ability to characterise standard targets was evaluated, both when subjected to a sequence of bends, and then within a model of a human lung. Ex-vivo human lung tissue was also used as a target to explore its tissue characterisation capabilities. These data sets form part of the pre-clinical testing and validation required for progression to its intended application in pulmonology.
Date made available5 Sept 2022
PublisherUniversity of Bath

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