Dataset for "Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering of Crystal Violet"

  • Robin Jones (Creator)
  • Tim Batten (Creator)
  • Brian Smith (Creator)
  • Alejandro Silhanek (Creator)



Lumerical data includes a text file with the electric field strength data in a plane 26 nm from the silicon substrate surface as presented in graphical form in the paper. The associated material models and fit settings in Lumerical are included in a screen shot. The spectra presented in the paper are included in text file format.
Date made available18 Apr 2021
PublisherUniversity of Bath
  • Surface enhanced Raman scattering of crystal violet

    Jones, R., Batten, T., Smith, B., Silhanek, A. V., Wolverson, D. & Valev, V., 18 Apr 2021, Nonlinear Optics and Applications XII: Nonlinear Optics and Applications XII. Bertolotti, M., Zayats, A. V. & Zheltikov, A. M. (eds.). May ed. Vol. 11770. 7 p. 1177015. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11770).

    Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding

    Open Access
    1 Citation (SciVal)
    159 Downloads (Pure)

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