Dataset for Radio Science "Lower ionosphere effects on narrowband VLF transmission propagation: fast variabilities and frequency dependence"

  • Kuang Liang Koh (Creator)
  • Martin Fullekrug (Creator)
  • Andrey Mezentsev (Data Collector)



The data are processed from electric field recordings from an array network and shows the disturbance on a VLF (very low frequency) transmission attributed to lower ionospheric electrical properties.
The micro-second time resolution received transmission (filtered and frequency shifted to baseband) averaged across the receivers in the network are contained in a MatLab binary (.mat) file. The disturbance on the transmitted signal is obtained by comparing to a simulated transmission. The MatLab scripts to perform this processing are provided.
Date made available23 Mar 2018
PublisherUniversity of Bath
Date of data production13 May 2011
Geospatial point51.4277, -2.3429Show on map

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