Dataset for Quantifying CPT cone factors in clays derived from weathered mudstone

  • Kevin Briggs (Creator)
  • Yuderka Trinidad González (Creator)



This dataset contains data from a ground investigation in weathered, stiff, fissured clays of the Lias Group. In the paper, "Quantifying CPT cone factors in clays derived from weathered mudstone", these data are used to evaluate the performance of cone penetration test (CPT) profiles for predicting the undrained shear strength of these clays.

The dataset consists of a table including 94 pairs of corrected CPT cone factors (N_{kt,UU}), derived from a one-to-one comparison of 94 pairs of triaxial shear strength data from unconsolidated, undrained triaxial tests and CPT cone tip resistance data from equivalent depths.
Date made available3 Oct 2023
PublisherUniversity of Bath
Geographical coverageOxfordshire, UK

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