
This data set contains the raw data used to plot Figures 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 from the paper. These are clearly identified in the spreadsheet alongside the relevant data. A more detailed description is provided below.

The dataset provide the raw data used to produce a plot of average drilling resistance versus hole number in an artificial reference stone which was used for wear-correction purposes. (see figure 4) Data used to produce a summary of drilling the data processing methodology used is also provided. This consists of drilling resistance against depth for three representative trials performed on Bath stone at 10 mm/min penetration rate and 600 RPM. The depth specific average resulting from averaging each of the three trials at each particular depth is shown. (see figure 5) Data showing the variation of average drilling resistance with penetration rate and rotational speed on a Bath stone and artificial reference stone is provided. (see figure 6) Data showing the linear relationship between radius-independent average drilling resistance and different PR/RPM settings on Bath stone and artificial reference stone is provided (see figure 7) The coefficient of variation at different PR/RPM settings on Bath stone and artificial reference stone is given.
Date made available17 Nov 2017
PublisherUniversity of Bath

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