Dataset for 'Design and fabrication of enhanced lateral growth for dislocation reduction and strain management in GaN using nanodashes'

  • Philip Shields (Creator)
  • Emmanuel Le Boulbar (Creator)
  • J. Priesol (Creator)
  • A. Šatka (Creator)
  • N. Allehiani (Creator)
  • G. Naresh-Kumar (Creator)
  • Sophia Fox (Creator)
  • C. Trager-Cowan (Creator)
  • Duncan Allsopp (Supervisor)



This dataset contains the results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) secondary electron (SE) images, panchromatic cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging and Electron Channelling Contrast Imaging (ECCI) and Raman spectroscopy on GaN epitaxial layers. These techniques were used to assess the morphology of the GaN crystal growth, and the dislocation density and strain in planar layers.
Date made availableMar 2017
PublisherUniversity of Bath
Date of data production2010 - 2012

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