
This dataset comprises the primary data used in the paper "Breaking Wave Imaging using Lidar and Sonar".

The data consists of water surface elevation data throughout the surf and swash zone of a prototype-scale laboratory beach collected at the GWK Large Wave Flume, Hanover using a Lidar array and concurrent acoustic intensity data obtained using a bed-mounted multibeam. The goal of the work was to image the bubble plumes from breaking waves from above and below.

The dataset is composed of one .mat file, which was generated with the MATLAB software. The content of each file is described in the readme file and is included in the structure data as well.
Date made available20 Mar 2019
PublisherUniversity of Bath
Date of data production18 Aug 2017 - 26 Sept 2017
Geographical coverageGWK Large Wave Flume, Hanover, Germany

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