The original data for parts of all figures in the paper, "Creation of regular arrays of faceted AlN nanostructures via a combined top-down, bottom-up approach", both in the main text and supplementary material, is provided here. Figures 1-5, 7 (all) are all .bmp files corresponding to raw scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. Figure 6 (all) are JPEG files and correspond to growth mechanism schematics. Figure 8.eps and Figure 8 Raw Data.csv files are the plot presented in the main text, and the raw data file corresponding to this plot respectively. Figures 9-11 Supplementary Material are all atomic force microscopy (AFM) figures before any calibration adjustments. Figure 12 Supplementary Information.eps and Figure 12 Supplementary Information Raw Data.csv are the plot and the corresponding raw data file respectively presented in the supplementary material.